Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Turbo C++ for windows 7(Full screen)

I have heard people (mainly students)  complaining about installing Turbo C++ on their windows 7 machine. Since i used to code using devcpp I never encountered such a problem.

There is two results that you get after installing Turbo C++ on your window7. That is you will be unable to switch your Turbo C++ to full screen if you are running Windows 7 on 32-bit processor. And for those who run Win7 on 64-bit processor you wont be even able to run it.


So here are some simple steps that you can get rid of those two problems i mensioned.

Step 1:-Download Turbo C++ FROM HERE and extract it to C:\TC. ie all the file in tccp3.zip should be in C:\TC. 
Step 2:-Download and install Emulated Turbo C++ and install it.
Download Link: Click Here
Password : "mohitsaxena"
Installing is very easy just click few NEXT then FINISH DON'T CHANGE ANY DIRECTORY .
Step 3:-After successful installation open Emulated Turbo C++ from desktop shortcut. 

Friday, 15 June 2012

Galaxy S3 features on galaxy s2

Yes, There are many new features in new galaxy s3. Some of them are :-
 -New touchwiz
 -pop-up play
 -Social - Tag and Share
 -Smart Stay
Since i am a galaxy s2 user i have googled to port those to galaxy s2. i have found ports for touchwiz, s voice , a solution for pop up play. :-) Now smart stay

For touchwiz ux go to:- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1666384 (root needed).

Smart Stay:-Get it from HERE goto dev site for updates HERE
Still in beta version :)

S-Voice -
Some background knowledge:
S Voice is an app developed by Samsung as a personal assistant, similar to that of Siri. However this is only available on the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S3. Fortunately, some of the guys down at XDA already beat them to it and extracted the S Voice and make it available for most phones (hopefully).
All credits go to PlaYOuT and other people who extracted the apk out!
1) Android Version 4.0 or higher (ICS)
2) Rooted phone
NOTE: This app may have complications and might not work on your phone, since it was made for the S3. The best bet would be that if you have a Samsung phone, and even better if you have an S2.
1) Download file from XDA (link below)
2) Unrar the file
3) Transfer the file to your phone
4) Copy and paste the .apk file to this directory using Root Explorer (link below)
Directory: data/app/
5) Change permissions of the apk file to:
(Y) - Checked box
(N) - Unchecked boxes

6)Goto systems mount as r/w 
   long touch on build.prop for options 
   edit through text editor (if editing not available use es explorer, x-plore or solid explorer after mounting as r/w)
   Change the following
   ro.product.model=GT-I9100 to ro.product.model=GT-I9300  
   ro.product.device=GT-I9100 to ro.product.device=GT-I9300
7) Reboot phone.

-XDA Thread- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1662269
-WinRar- http://www.rarlab.com/
-Root Explorer- http://goo.gl/i15jp

Working and tested by me.
For pop up play just download Super Video, Floating & Popup from play.

I will post other ports when it is available keep checking.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Virtual machine (VM)-Run an OS inside another OS

A virtual machine is a piece of software which allows operating systems to be run 'inside' other operating systems.

Top 4 virtual machine 
4-Windows virtual-pc

You can run any OS of your wish windows xp, fedora,windows 7, redhat or backtrack
I am illustrating this tutorial by Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - the current long term support version, released in April 2012, codenamed Precise Pangolin.

Some uses of Virtual machine are:-
 -Try new operating system:- you can try a new operating system without formatting and losing your data.
 -Test your software- You can use VMs to try your software or web app or even site design on a variety of boxes by just building virtual machines and running the tests there. 
Steps To SETUP VM on Windows 7.
  1. First head to virtual box website 
  2. Download  VirtualBox 4.1.16 for Windows hosts
  3. Open VirtualBox.exe and install it.
  4. Open Virtual box
  5. Click New 

               Then you get this.click>Next 

            Give appropriate name, select OS and version.


         >Select the amount of base memory (RAM) in megabytes to be allocated to the virtual machine.
            The recommended base memory size is 512 MB.

                         [Note : you can use existing hard disk when you want your VM on another computer           so,just make sure that you take your 'anyOS'.iso and VM hardisk from C:\Users\computer name\VirtualBox VMs\ubuntu ]

                    >Now, Select VDI because it supported by most of the operating systems 

                 >When you get this select how much you want your VM harddisk to be !

                     Almost done,click create

                     Then you will get this :

                     Now we will have to mount .iso file so, click settings 

click storage 

Then first click IDE controller the click the CD icon on right side

 Choose the first option-"choose a virtual cd/dvd disk file "
then select the .iso you downloaded .

After that you sholoud notice that IDE controller is changed from "empty" to "ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386 "

Click ok ,then click the green start arrow 

That's it click install ubuntu !

Done !

Hide incoming SMS

Yes today i decided to help some lovers who are struggling to chat with their buddies. I know how you guys struggling for messaging since i have experienced the same. If she messages we want to be alert all the time that if she is messaging or not, hesitate to handover our mobile to others, also we have to delete it at the time or else someone could catch us especially our family members. So i started to search for a solution and as always i got the solution.

I have got solution for all the mobile platforms. Unfortunately java users are unlucky, its high time you change to smart phones .

Here is the trick. For
1) Android:-
 In android there is a wonderful application named "Super Private Conversation (SPC)"
 a) Get it from PLAY.
 b)Open SPC. Click private conversation, Click "+" button and add the contact of your choice.


 c) go to settings->Enable password ,Change password,choose a password.

 d)Enable fake password ,choose a password.I will tell you why you need fake password.

 e)now in settings goto private conversation and set the notification u want to show when amessage arrives.
   Settings are now finished. All your messages will be hidden from everyone. When a message arrives notification that you set will be shown in status bar(set notification like error or something like that).
So what happens when someone see your notification and click on that. uff you will be caught, you will be forced to enter password. So the role of fake password is here. If anyone force you to enter password just enter fake password it will show a simple notepad rather than your messages.
You may try this app also called PSB.
As android there is a software for symbianos also named "Best Private Conversation".
Everything same as for android. It has got custom notification,password protection. but it is paid and has no fake password option.
Download BPC from here.
Install it and run. You will get some days free trial if you need full version send me your imei no. to my email.
Go to settings go through it.
The main problem while using this is the number/name of sender in your main inbox will get messed up,you have to manually open the app. clicking OK button on notification will not lead to app.
Get app from HERE

Since i have not used an iphone i don't know much about it. But have a solution HERE.

Head over to HERE. I have not used it yet  don't blame if it doesn't work.

OK now you can be free to message anyone with privacy nobody is going to catch you :).

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Tasker-Automate your Android

My previous post was about automating pc. In this article I will tell you how you can automate your android phone using tasker.

Tasker is an application for Android which performs Tasks (sets of Actions) based on Contexts (application, time, date, location, event, gesture) in user-defined Profiles, or in clickable or timer home screen widgets.

This simple concept profoundly extends your control of your Android device and it's capabilities, without the need for 'root' or a special home screen.

Here are only some of the things you could do with Tasker, it's real power is the flexibility to combine contexts and tasks however you wish.
  • passcode-lock sensitive applications (e.g. for child safety)
  • change phone settings by
    • application: long screen timeout in a book reader
    • time: screen brightness lower in the evening
    • location: ringer volume high at the office, turn off  keyguard at home
  • wake up with a random song from your music collection
  • Text-to-speech; read out loud: incoming SMS/ phone number, WiFi/Bluetooth status, when it's time for an appointment, when the battery is low etc etc (Android OS 1.6+ only)
  • launch a music application when your music SD card is inserted, otherwise a file browser
  • start the day with a particular application showing
  • change all your home icons and wallpaper every day, or in particular locations
  • turn the phone upside down to return to the home screen, tilt 90 degrees to the left and back to toggle speakerphone during a call
  • create a Home widget to
    • toggle bluetooth/wifi on/off
    • launch wireless settings dialog
    • show a menu of tasks to choose
    • send an emergency SMS with your GPS location
  • remap camera etc buttons to other applications, or show a menu of applications and/or actions
  • decrypt/encrypt and/or zip/unzip application data on the fly when an application is launched/exits
  • pause music playback while in a particular application, restart on exit
  • change the Home icon for any application
  • take a time-lapse photo series (possibly 'secretly')
  • make a regular backup of a file on the SD card
  • track your phone location via SMS in case of theft
  • extend the use of the media button on your headset: take a picture from a distance or go to the previous media track with a long press
  • record call times and destinations to the SD card
  • show a popup when an SMS arrives from a particular phone number
  • setup a birthday SMS to be sent months before it happens so you don't forget
  • record battery levels over time to a file on SD card
  • make automatic recordings of what you say during phone calls to SD card
  • during the night, turn on airplane mode to conserve battery/reduce radiation, but turn it off every 15 minutes to check for SMS/voicemail.
  • setup a vacation SMS message, with different messages for different callers
  • launch a music application when headphones are connected
Download from play

Is your phone rooted? then get it for free

Download tasker from Megashare or Rapidshare. Follow the instructions.

You need a root explorer, phone needs to be rooted!

1. Install Tasker 1.2.1u1, make sure you run Tasker at least once. (Creates the shared_prefs folder)
2. Extract the downloaded license verification files (2 xml files)
3. Go to /data/data/net.dinglisch.android.tasker/shared_prefs and write down the "owner" of the files in this directory. It should be something like "app_xx" where xx is a number. You will need this in the next steps.
4. Copy the downloaded xml files to /data/data/net.dinglisch.android.tasker/shared_prefs
5. Change the owner and group of the two files to what you wrote down in step 3.
6. Change the permissions of both files to "rw-rw----" (both reading and writing for both user and group set, nothing else)
7. Start Tasker. Now you should get a valid license and a "0" in the field below.

If you have Tasker 1.2u* installed and working on your phone, you can do this another way:
The package name for tasker changed from net.dinglisch.android.taskerm to net.dinglisch.android.tasker . (without "m")
At least this is the case for me and obviously the reason that Lucky Patcher does not work anymore for the new Tasker version.
Or the version with the extra "m" is the version available through the Market - maybe someone knows this for sure?

A. You can give Lucky Patcher a try, maybe it works for you and you're done. Please tell me if it works for you...
B. You can copy the folder "shared_prefs" in /data/data/net.dinglisch.android.taskerm to /data/data/net.dinglisch.android.tasker.
NOTE: You still need to check the owner of the files in /data/data/net.dinglisch.android.tasker and change the owner and permissions of the copied files! Otherwise tasker won't be able to access those files! See steps 3. , 5. and 6. above. Don't forget to change the owner and permissions of the "shared_prefs" folder itself! The folder needs different permissions: rwxrwx--x (Read, Write, Access/Execute for owner+group, read for everyone).

Actions-Automate anything on windows

Actions  is a Java app that aims to bring the same automation tools to Windows as Mac users get from the Automator tool. The idea is that, through a simple drag-and-drop interface, you can create a workflow of actions that can edit files or performs various common tasks. For example, you can batch rotate a bunch of pictures, or rename a large collection of files according to specific rules. Actions works in almost exactly the same way as Automator—so brush up on your anatomy of a workflow and check out the examples below to see how it works.

Batch Rotate Photos:-
Start out by opening actions and hitting the "Files and Folders" section in the left sidebar. Drag the "Get Files" action into the right pane of the window, and you'll see it appear in your workflow. Next, head over to the "Images" section and drag the "Rotate Images" action into your workflow, under the Get Files action. Tell it which direction you want to rotate the images (which depends on how you hold your camera when you take portrait-oriented pictures), and open up Windows Explorer. Grab the pictures you want to rotate and drag them into the Get Files box of your workflow. Then, just hit Run, and Actions will rotate your pictures all at once for you.

Create Applications:-You can also create application-like executable workflows with Actions. You'll probably want to replace the "Get Files" action with the "Ask for Files" action, since you'll likely be working with different files every time, and then go to File > Create an Executable Workflow. Save it wherever you want. Now, whenever you want to batch rotate a group of files, you can just double-click on this executable file without the need to open up the whole Actions application.

Batch rename files:-
Start up Actions and hit the "Files and Folders" section of the left sidebar. Drag the "Ask for Files" action into your workflow. Then, in the same "Files and Folders" section, find the "Rename Files" action and drag that in too. You can configure your filenames however you want. In this example, we want to rename all the files sequentially, so choose "Make Sequential" in the top drop-down, add the number to a new name ("Italy Vacation") and set the numbers to start at 1. You may also want to force the numbers to have 2 or 3 digits (i.e. adding "01" to the end of the first file instead of just "1"), depending on how many photos you have in that set. Try running the workflow by hitting the "Run" button in the upper right hand corner. It will ask you which files you want to tweak, and then rename them all at once.

Batch crop photos:-
Drag in the "Ask for Files" action into the workflow to start. There's also an "Ask for Pictures" action if you want to limit your selection—it doesn't particularly matter, since if you select non-photo files, the workflow will just fail.
Next, drag the "Crop Images" action into the workflow. You can set it to fit the height or width of the images, thus resizing the image at the same time. It shows a few example photos in the action window so you can see what each option will give you. Note that in this case, you may actually want to add a "Copy Files" action in between the ask and crop steps—that way you don't accidentally ruin any photos in the process.

These are just a few examples of the workflows you can create in Actions. It doesn't have quite as many actions as its Mac predecessor (actions relating to, say, music files or PDFs are currently missing, hence the fairly heavy focus on photos in the above example), but you can do quite a bit with it. Browse through the library and get to know the actions available to you; it will save you a ton of time on menial tasks in the future.
Unfortunately, Actions can only create simple workflows like this at the moment; it doesn't have the flexibility that Automator does. For example, you can't create Service-like context menu items or droplet applications at the moment, but it's still a pretty helpful program, and we're excited to see what additions the developer might make in the future.

For downloads and more info go to Actions

Thursday, 7 June 2012

AutoHotkey- Fast scriptable desktop automation with hotkeys

AutoHotkey is the tool of choice for automating Windows: It's both powerful and easy to use. AutoHotkey can make your computing life easier.With AutoHotkey, You can trim the time you spend replying to emails down to a third of what it would be without.


AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:
  • Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a mouse or keyboard macro by hand or use the macro recorder.
  • Create hotkeys for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.
  • Expand abbreviations as you type them. For example, typing "btw" can automatically produce "by the way".
  • Create custom data-entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars.
  • Remap keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.
  • Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the WinLIRC client script.
  • Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with new capabilities.
  • Convert any script into an EXE file that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.

Plus a whole lot more...

For download, tutorial and more info go to : http://www.autohotkey.com/

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


KGB Archiver is free and open source software which compresses 1GB file to 10MB file. Data compression utility of this software is based on PAQ6 algorithm which has AES-256 powerful encryption. It works on both Windows and Linux operating system. Compression ratio of this software is very high. Due to high compression levels, time to compress a file goes high as the size of the file increases and compression ratio may vary depending on the format of the file.

When a file is compressed with KGB Archiver it saves it with own extension and at the time of decompression it automatically recognizes the file format. The only limitation of KGB archiver is, decompressed file cannot be open or extract with other compression softwares. You can also choose any compression level (high, maximum, normal, low, very weak) to compress a file but the compression time will vary according to your selected compression level.

Note: If you are compressing any file with KGB archiver and sending the comprssed file to your friends then he must have KGB archiver installed on his computer to decompress the file.

Features of KGB Archiver :

Supports native .kgb files and .zip files
AES-256 Encryption
Able to create self-extracting archives.
Multilanguage supports like Arabic, German, Greek, Japanese, Spanish many more.
Unicode is supported in both User Interface and File Systems.
An Explorer shell extension is available for the windows version.
Make Password protected compressed file.

System Requirements :

Due to high compression ratio of KGB archiver, you need to have a decent system hardware configuration

256 MB RAM
1.5 GHz Processor

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Critical Ethical hacking-Ebook

As information security becomes more important, the term "ethical hacker" is becoming common. Few people, however, understand what this means or the skills required to be an ethical hacker.
Searchsecurity.com, a well-known source for security information, offers the following definition of an ethical hacker: "An ethical hacker is a computer and network expert who attacks a security system on behalf of its owners, seeking vulnerabilities that a malicious hacker could exploit. To test a security system, ethical hackers use the same methods as their less-principled counterparts but report problems instead of taking advantage of them. Ethical hacking is also known as penetration testing, intrusion testing and red teaming. An ethical hacker is sometimes called a white hat, a term that comes from old Western movies, where the 'good guy' wore a white hat and the 'bad guy' wore a black hat."
Unfortunately, many security professionals disagree on what constitutes a "hacker." Some believe that with the proper training, anyone can become a hacker, while others feel hacking is more of an art than a science, meaning that it is something that cannot truly be taught. Either way, becoming an ethical hacker requires a variety of skills and background knowledge.

Career Opportunities

Due to the skills required, ethical hackers are capable of performing a wide range of security-related jobs. However, quite often, ethical hackers are involved in testing networks and software for vulnerabilities. Such tests consist of using the same steps and programs outside attackers use in an effort to find and resolve potential security problems before the bad guys do the same. When testing applications, an ethical hacker reports the problems found to the software vendor so the problems can then be resolved, hopefully before the vulnerability becomes known by those with less scrupulous ethics.
As with the job type, ethical hackers can work for a variety of employers. Some work for large corporations, testing systems and networks for vulnerabilities, while others work for or start independent consulting firms that offer similar services to their customers. Many ethical hackers also are employed with various government agencies. In these cases, appropriate security clearances are required.

So Download ebooks from here 

20 Most useful and must have android applications

Here are 20 must have android application list and download link.

1) Titanium backup:-
Ever wanted to factory reset your phone and you are afraid of losings your favorite apps. Its easy to re-install all your apps back from play store but what about the application data. Don't worry here is one solution for you.  This application can back up all your application and its data.
Use lucky patcher and apply custom patch to get pro.

2) Lucky patcher:-
Is some application restricting you to access its feature because you don't have a pro version. This application can patch most of the applications.

3) Tubemate:-
Want to download youtube videos? Here you go.

4) Teslaled:-
There are many application that helps you to use your flash light as a torch. but this is different, teslaled can make strobe, Morse code etc.

5) Sound hound:-
Heard a song in radio and ever been sad that you don't know the songs name so you cant search for it later. Soundhound can detect which song you are listening and can be used to find lyrics too.

6) Sketch free:-
Are you bored? Try sketch free. you will have fun while sketching. it is a great time pass item.

7) Screencast:-
Want to take screen capture? Or wanted to record your mobile screen. Use this app.

8) Realcalc:-
No more struggling with your homework calculations. realcalc is a scientific calculator where you get numerous functions.

9) Qickoffice pro:-
A robust office editing suite, PDF viewer, and file manager that works with e-mail, local files, and cloud services.

10) Snappz market:-
SnappzMarket is an Android application that gives you access to over 50,000 Android apps
that may or may not be avaliable on the Android Market.
All of the applications on SnappzMarket are FREE to download.

11) 1 to 50:-
Very addictive game and it may increase your concentration.

12) 4shared music:-
With a couple of click music downloading is now easy as search click to download.

13) Adfree:-
Avoid ads in application by installing this.

14) Airdroid:-
Best way to manage file without usb cable. Use your wifi instead usb cable.

15) Hide it pro:-
Hide the Pictures/Videos you don't want anyone to see.
  Features :
  0.) App disguised behind a fully functional Audio Manager
  1.) Super clean and smooth UI. 
  2.) Proper segregation of videos/pictures audio with dashboard
  3.) Categorize media into folders of your choice
  4.) Batch(Multi-Select) support for hiding and unhiding files
  5.) Unhide entire folders, or select multiple files to unhide at once
  6.) Move files between folders
  7.) Sort files by date/size/name and sort folders by count/name
  8.) Thumbnails for pictures and videos on all devices
  9.) Gallery features Pinch to Zoom , Double tap to zoom , One finger hold and move zoom
  10.) Slideshow with Fade and Zoom effects
  11.) Send/Share pictures , Get picture details and other miscellaneous options
  12.) Image for seamless browsing
  13.) Special optimization for low end phones. (uncheck the low memory mod from settings to get crisper pics back)
  14.) Video player features play/pause/forward/rewind/next video/prev video support
  15.) Ability to choose and save custom video player
  16.) Disappears from recent apps list
  17.) Two lock screen options viz Pin and Password
  18.) Escape pin/password for times when you get caught
  19.) Has built in full featured file manager with ability to hide/move/share/delete multiple files
  20.) Built in encryption tool(with military standard 256-bit AES encryption) to secure your most important files
  21.) Special support for Incognito Browser(vBrowser) with hidden bookmarks ,and special ability like downloading from 14+ video streaming websites
  22.) Full Support for Locking apps from within the app.

16) Barcode scanner:-
Scan barcodes on products then look up prices and reviews. You can also scan Data Matrix and QR Codes containing URLs, contact info, etc.

17) Disha:-
Plan your train travels with Disha! We make it easy for you.
Now you can BOOK tickets too with Disha. A complete solution for all your railway reservation needs.

18) Maxthon browser:-
World's fastest & smartest android browser - fast, secure & free. 
 Here are a couple cool add-ons that make your browsing experience more fun and productive:
-Advanced Gesture
-Screenshot Assistant 
-RSS Reader
-Bookmark Backup
-Web Snapshot
-Task Killer
-File Manager
-Missed Calls
-And more...

19) Download all:-
Previously you might have encountered the "Content not support" error message while trying to download APK, RAR, ZIP, MP3, DOC, XLS or other files.
With Download All Files you will be able to download these files to your device. This app works like a browser plugin and enables you to download all file types and allows you to save them easily to your SD card.

20) Hindi movies:-
Watch High Quality Hindi Movies on your mobile over 3G or WiFi!
***OFFICIALLY the No.1 HINDI APP on Android Market***
---Listed as a TRENDING APP for the SECOND time on ANDROID MARKET (27/5/2012)---
---Ranked in the Top 3 FREE apps in INDIA and TOP 4 in the UK on ANDROID MARKET under ENTERTAINMENT category---
---Earned 'HAILED BY THE CROWD' app badge on ANDROIDZOOM.com---
Here is the download link packed all this apps in 1 single .rar.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Unlock and copy locked VCD

Now, let's see how to copy movies from locked VCD. There is two types of trick that our film industry do to avoid copying of their vcd. One is to increase the disk capacity > 700 MB so the film will not copy to 700 MB disk because of insufficient space on the disk. The other method is more tricky, I don't  know what it is called but you can notice a ring on the disk and whenever you try to copy it you get an error and if you try to copy the CD by exploring the disk you will not be able to see any video files in it (I call this as multi-session :P).

So for the larger disk size copy the video file to hard disk then you can trim the video to make it smaller in size by using any video trim application but i recomend using the software "aone media movie dvd maker".
Download the software, install it and open it. then click vcd ->Settings->change the output Quality to good 
quality->save ->add file and burn it.

For the second trick (multi-session). We are going to use two tools 
1) ISOBuster Pro.
2) CD Burner.

Step 1 - Download, install ISObuster Pro.
Step 2 - Insert your VCD
Step 3 - Open ISObuster. Select your source drive and wait.

Step 4 - Click on session in left hand side of the window.
Step 5 - Click on the track which has greater size(that is the session where you video is located). There will be more than one track in locked CD ignore the screenshot.
Step 6 - Right click on that track you selected -> Extract track xx -> treat as video only .mpg.

Step 7 - Select target and click ok.
Step 8 - Open any CD burner i recommend dvd movie maker. 
Step 9 - Add the extracted track and burn it.

So what are you waiting for go to your local video shop and say them you can crack those video disk and make some money as i do :) .

Comment if you need full version of both isobuster and dvd movie maker
Day dreamer.

Songify - Turn your speech into song

Yes, I know you are not a great singer. But don't worry guys from SMULE has developed an application named "Songify" which can turn your speech into different  types of songs. They provide some free tunes but you have to pay to use all other songs.
All you want to do is reccord the voice ,then songify turn it into music within 4 sec.

So go and get it from here

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Unlock any dvd with protection and copyright

Are you frustrated because you cannot copy your favorite movies. Then don't worry here is how to copy dvd with any type of protection with DVDFab.

Step 1 - Go to here and download dvdfab. Extract using the password "daydreamersltd".
Step 2 - Install dvdfab and restart your computer.
Step 3 - Use patch to get full version.
Step 4 - Insert dvd which you want to copy.
Step 5 - Open dvdfab and wait for it to analyse your disk.
Step 5 - Select desired option in left side of the window. You can copy full disk, main movie,even clone two DVD into one.
Step 7 - Select target  and click start.

Isn't it so easy. keep smiling.
Day dreamer.